Communicate de Presa

Analysis reveals that corruption is ubiquitous in countries where big money influences political power.

On January 23, 2020 Transparency International released the Corruption Perception Index for 2019 (CPI 2019). Over 2/3 of the countries included in the ranking are stagnating or showing signs of regress in their anti-corruption efforts

More than two-thirds of countries – along with many of the world’s most advanced economies – are stagnating or showing signs of backsliding in their anti-corruption efforts, according to the 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International.

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Transparency International – Moldova initiated in 2019 a new phase of monitoring
public anti-corruption policies, part of this process being the interviewing of civil servants
from 13 central public authorities (CPAs) and their subordinated entities with high risk
of corruption.
The purpose of the survey is to analyze the perceptions of the public servants on the
activity climate and the quality of the anti-corruption policies applied in these
institutions, to identify the possible problems and to formulate proposals to improve
the situation. The survey was conducted with the support of the National Endowment
for Democracy.

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Incapacitatea cronică a majorităţii ţărilor de a controla eficient corupţia este un factor care contribuie la criza democraţiei în lume. Regimurile autocrate şi corupte sunt periculoase pentru oponenţii politici. Practic toate ţările în care guvernanţii comandă sau închid ochii la „omoruri politice” se regăsesc în clasamentul IPC printre cele cu corupţie înaltă.

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Transparency International – Moldova has organized the International Conference on Joining Efforts Against Impunity and Political Corruption on 4 December 2018. The conference was supported by the National Endowment for Democracy and has embraced representatives from 14 countries. The opinions expressed during this event belong to the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the donors.

Link to the Conference video:


• Keith Sargent, Institute for Statecraft, UK:

• Balint Magyar, Hungary:

• Ruslan Stefanov, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria:

• Andrei Marusov, Transparency International-Ukraine:

• Vlad Gribincea, Legal Resource Center Moldova:

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Transparency International – Moldova îşi exprimă profunda îngrijorare în legătură cu trenarea reformei în Autoritatea Naţională de Integritate (ANI). La peste un an de la adoptarea pachetului de legi privind integritatea, ANI aşa şi nu a devenit funcţională. Lenteţea exagerată a desfăşurării concursului de suplinire a funcţiilor de preşedinte şi vice-preşedinte (lansarea cu întârziere a concursului, amânarea şedinţelor Consiliului de Integritate, inclusiv din lipsă de cvorum, extinderile repetate ale termenelor depunerii dosarelor candidaţilor), vorbeşte despre caracterul intenţionat de tergiversare a acestui proces. În lipsa conducerii, precum şi a inspectorilor de integritate desemnaţi/selectaţi prin concurs, verificarea averilor şi intereselor persoanelor care ocupă funcţii publice este compromisă.

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