Noutăţi TI-Moldova

Public procurements are part of a complex process by which the functionality of public authorities, creation of a competitive business environment, and promotion of public funds efficient use practices should be insured. At global level, public procurement represent from 10 to 25% of the GDP , on average, and almost 1/3 of the national state budgets, including the biggest part of government expenditures. The huge amount of funds involved in this process and the close interactions between public and private sectors make public procurements extremely vulnerable to corruption. Up to one forth (1/4) of the budget for public procurement is estimated to be extracted through corruption, globally.

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După semnarea în 2012 a Declaraţiei de principii privind Parteneriatul pentru o Guvernare Deschisă, autorităţile din Republica Moldova au întreprins măsuri importante în vederea implementării obiectivelor acestui parteneriat, creând, în special, multiple platforme informaţionale, inclusiv,,,,, care au avut drept scop transparentizarea activităţii instituţiilor publice, prestarea serviciilor electronice şi crearea condiţiilor pentru creşterea implicării publicului la luarea deciziilor.

TI-Moldova Raport OGP 2016-2018 _rom


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Following the signing of the Declaration of Principles on Open Government Partnership in 2012, Moldovan authorities have taken important steps to implement the objectives of this partnership, creating in particular multiple information platforms, including,,,,, aiming at the transparency of the activity of public institutions, the provision of electronic services and the creation of conditions for increasing public involvement in decision-making.

TI-Moldova Report OGP 2016-2018 _eng

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Prin intermediul unui comunicat de presă, în dimineața zilei de 6 septembrie 2018, Serviciul de Informații și Securitate (SIS) a comunicat despre desfășurarea unei operațiuni complexe de prevenire a amenințărilor la adresa securității naționale a Republicii Moldova.

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4 October 2018
In the last years, Moldova stepped back considerably in terms of transparency, democracy and accountability. Since 2016, an oligarchic group took control over the three branches of the state power and media sector, capturing the state. This allowed building the economic agenda around the interests of this narrow group to the detriment of the public interest.

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